Posts tagged with ‘regulations’
New California Regulation: Limitation on Employer Consideration of Criminal History
By SHLC on May 12, 201700The California Fair Employment and Housing Council approved new regulations that limit employers’ freedom to consider criminal history when screening applicants or making employment-related decisions. The new regulations go into effect on July 1, 2017. Generally When hiring, promoting, training, disciplining or terminating, employers are strictly prohibited from considering: (1) An arrest or detention that did not result in conviction; […] -
New FEHA Regulations Effective April 1, 2016
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”) has amended many of its anti-discrimination and anti-harassment regulations effective April 1, 2016. To begin, the regulations expand the definition of employer by including out-of-state employees in the five employee threshold that triggers application of the regulations. For example, a Nevada company with a small satellite office of three employees in […]