Selected Highlights from the SHLC August 6th California/Nevada Employer Webinar

The ADA generally does not require employers to grant requests for indefinite leave. Where continued requests for leave extensions, or piecemeal leave requests, create an indefinite leave situation, employers may usually deny further extensions.

– Brett Sutton


Two of the most important factors in determining whether a job task is an essential function are the employee’s job description and the focus of performance evaluations.
– Jared Hague


Other Topics Covered and Questions from Attendees Include:

  • Intermittent leave
  • Rescinding discipline as an accommodation
  • What triggers the need to consider an accommodation
  • Kin Care Leave interaction with ADA leave
  • Transferring employee to a lower paying  position as an accommodation

CD’s and MP3 recordings of the webinar are available to purchase for $30 (Includes Written Materials). For more information you can email